
What Is The Purpose Of Understanding The Makeup Of Your Audience?

With Covid-19 creating a ripple of economic uncertainty, consumers needs, motivations and behaviours take changed. Old rules no longer employ. Businesses must reassess what they know.

Agreement an audience is at the core of any brand'south growth. It's what drives effective marketing strategies, increases brand equity and ultimately improves a visitor's bottom line.

But "understanding" isn't a destination. It's a journeying. It's a procedure of constant review, refinement and readjustment. Without regularly revisiting its target audition, the operation of a brand will reject at worst or stagnate at best.

With Covid-19 creating a ripple of economic uncertainty, consumers needs, motivations and behaviours have changed. Onetime rules no longer use. Businesses must reassess what they know.

To ensure yous have the tools and knowledge y'all demand to sympathize your audience and abound your brand in the wake of Covid-19, we've synthetic this guide to researching your audience, dividing it into segments and ultimately building accurate, useful buyer personas to bulldoze your strategies.

By the end of this guide, you'll be able to target, market and sell to the right audience, at the right time, with the right methods.

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one. Researching your target audition

Every journey towards understanding begins with defining a target audience.

What is a target audience?

A target audition is the grouping of customers or potential customers who want or demand (orwould want or need) your products or services. These are the people who are most likely to seek out, appoint with and ultimately purchase your offering.

A proficient target audience is:

1. Specific

You can't be all things to all people. There will be groups of people who will be unlikely, unwilling or unable to engage with your business and including them in your target audience could be more detrimental than beneficial. Specific trumps general every fourth dimension.

2. Data-backed

Gut feelings and assumptions have no place in defining a target audience. Inclusions and exclusions mustexist backed by unbiased data gathered from accurate market research. Informed guesses can be a practiced starting point, but certainly aren't the cease point.

3. Client-axial

A target audition should exist made upward of people who desire to engage with your business, rather than the people your business wants to appoint with. At that place should be a 18-carat benefit for the potential customers through engaging with your messaging or offering.

Target Audience Example


Laura sells formalwear. She discovers through research that her latest range has a lot of potential among 20-25 yr-old professionals in Sydney because of its value for coin and suitability for someone new to the workforce.

Laura has a not bad target audience here: she knows that the people she is targeting willgo something from her production, she has made sure her enquiry isaccurate and not just a gut feeling, and she has a veryspecific set up of people to chase.


Geoff sells luxury vehicles. He decides to target people with a lot of dispensable income, because he wants to maximise his profits. He thinks that business owners would be a practiced first.

Geoff has made the mistake of targeting peoplehe wants to reach, usingassumptions virtually his audience'southward wants and needs, and, worst of all, has only avague idea of what demographics he wants to target.

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Why yous need to create a target audition


One time you lot have established a target audience, you lot volition exist able to use channels and messaging to which this audience will exist most receptive. This ensures yous don't waste marketing spend on inappropriate mediums that your potential customers don't use or don't engage heavily with.

You'll likewise be able to tweak your brand personality, tone and general messaging to better fit with the target audience, resulting in more memorable, more than effective comms.

Product evolution

Understanding your audience provides insights into unmet needs, too every bit a thorough knowledge of the environment in which a product is sold. This allows a business to better develop their production/service offering and selling strategy to encounter their audition's demands.

Topics of research in this arena might include:

  • Market need
  • Purchase motivations and influences
  • Gap analysis
  • Optimal cost points
  • Existing ownership behaviour
  • Customer trade offs
  • Buy triggers
  • Customer and buy journeys

Once validated, the insights gleaned from these factors tin can exist used to test different market entry strategies, expansion decisions, and new feature development.

Business strategy

Once a target audience has been defined, you can conform your overall business concern direction to better suit your customers.

This could come down to how the business operations and divisional responsibilities are structured to best run into the needs of the target audience. Taking this customer-axial approach tin accept menses-on benefits for customer experience, retentiveness and loyalty.

Past knowing who you are selling to, you lot can better evolve your company for the right audience, rather than spending precious time trying to be everything to everyone.

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How to research your audience

At its core, agreement an audition is aboutfinding the answers to a series of simple questions:

  1. Who are my customers?
  2. How can I achieve them?
  3. What products or service practise they desire or need?
  4. How practise/would they do good from my existing or planned offerings?
  5. How much would they exist willing to pay for said offerings?
  6. Who are the competitors that my audience are probable considering?

All of these questions focus onwho the customer is and what they want.

For business-to-consumer (B2C) audiences, factors that you should consider in better understanding your audience include:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Occupation
  • Family size
  • Faith
  • Ethnicity
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Social condition
  • Income level
  • Lifestyle
  • Personality type
  • Likes and dislikes

For business organisation-to-business (B2B) audiences, y'all should consider:

  • Industry
  • Location
  • Company size
  • Company acquirement
  • Decision makers (including position and seniority)

The more than of this information you can get together, the more accurately yous can ascertain your target audition and the more effective you can exist in reaching them.

Tip:An excellent source of information is yourcurrent customer base.Begin your journey by defining your target audiences amongst your existing customers. Start with the nearly valuable segments: those who have a loftier lifetime value, buy frequently, or spend a significant amount when they do business with you lot.

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Common research methods

There are 2 types of market place inquiry that are used to get together data for defining a target audience:qualitativeand quantitative.

Each of these use unlike research methods and gather different kinds of information that you can employ to proceeds insight into your product and your make from the customers' perspective.

Both of these types of inquiry are usedin conjunctionto form a complete picture of your audition.

Related content: Gratis Market place Research Tools [List]


Qualitative research is based around understandingexperiences.

Information technology'due south typically not quite so focused around statistics as quantitative research. Rather, it gives specific insights into small numbers of individuals and normally can't be generalised.

It gives you a deep swoop into specific aspects of your target audience that quantitative, generalisable data may not be able to provide.

It's particularly helpful when creatingheir-apparent personas.

Qualitative includes the following methods:


Interviews are typically conducted between a single researcher and a single respondent, either in person, over the telephone or over a voice messaging arrangement like Skype. They consist of a series of structured questions (where they are defined beforehand) or unstructured questions (where the interview is more conversational and the questions are fluid, unremarkably using a discussion guide).

The general idea is to query the respondent nigh their motivations for and influences on purchasing and using your product or service.

The questions tend to be a mixture of specific and general questions, both about the product and the customer. Typical interview questions include:

  • What made you decide to buy this product/service?
  • Take you purchased this product/service before?
  • Did you consider any competitors before ownership from us (and if so, why)?
  • Is there anything that frustrates you about this product/service?
  • Have you ever used the production/service in an unexpected style?
  • Have your friends or family ever commented on the product/service before?
  • Would y'all consider recommending this product/service to your friends? Why or why not?
  • Is there anything in your life you lot wish this product/service could resolve?

Tip:Interviews are an excellent opportunity for brands to gauge their customers' mindset—this, ane-on-one time is valuable, so utilise it to get to know your customers as much as possible. Don't just ask most the products and their experiences with your brand and your competitors, but besides about the customer's interests, perspectives, likes and dislikes, so on.

Focus groups

A focus group involves gathering a group of customers/consumers in a controlled infinite, where the participants are asked to talk over a brand, product or service. Their interactions, attitudes and opinions are recorded.

Focus groups allow brands to gather verbal and non-exact responses to the production, as well as fugitive the structured nature of an interview. Focus grouping discussions are as well more fluid, oftentimes uncovering areas of interest and answering questions that interviewers or surveyors may not accept thought to explore.

Typical focus group uses include:

  • Sensory tests (east.thousand. production tasting)
  • Advert evaluation
  • Product or marketing concept evaluations
  • Consumer needs testing
  • Brand perceptions

Tip:The moderator has a listing of questions that the inquiry must respond, but the beauty of focus groups is the rich data that comes out of discussion between the group in one case they feel relaxed with each other. Sometimes the nearly insightful findings happen once the moderator fades into the groundwork and participants enquire their own questions of each other.


A market research participant may exist asked to proceed a diary or a journal to record their experiences with your make, product or service. This usually includes a series of open-concluded and closed questions, which are completed by the participant on a regular basis.

That might be at the terminate of a mean solar day (or week or month), after a specific result, or at some other divers point.

Alternatively, the participant can also be given a more open-concluded task, in which they can fill in a journal every bit little or as much equally they want, whenever they feel it necessary. Sometimes this can as well include multimedia, such as images, text, videos and location tagging.

This method is useful for capturing your customer'due south true vocalization, free of influence past researchers or other participants, as well as capturing initial and long-term reactions.

Tip:Consumers frequently accept trouble accurately recalling what they did, when they did it and why they did something later the fact. When using journals, endeavor and encourage your participants to enter their information equally shut to "real time" equally possible. This can often atomic number 82 to more accurate and useful data about how people are actually behaving and why.


There are a broad diversity of unlike ascertainment types, but all share the same bones principle: observing your participants using the product or service and noting their reactions.

Observations are typically used to assemble in-situ information. That is, the participant is observed using the object or service in the actual scenario they would in real life.

The behaviour of the participant is recorded and later coded to reveal enquiry insights. For instance, a person using your visitor's new vacuum cleaner may repeatedly take to render to the socket in order to plug the vacuum back in—this could reveal a need to either educate users meliorate about the extension cord provided, or the need for a longer built-in cord.

Observational studies are a popular fashion to go detailed environmental information most your production or service, and more importantly, the mode that your customers use it.

Tip:People often carry in ways that are at odds with the way they tell you they will behave. This disparity shouldn't exist seen every bit a frustration; rather, information technology presents the opportunity to gather extremely insightful data about stated behaviours and actual behaviour.

Social listening

Social listening is the process of monitoring conversations online in order to better empathise what customers (and potential customers) are proverb nigh your business in full general.

Social listening is different from social monitoring, in that it focuses on the larger strategic view. Monitoring looks at specific instances of social mentions, whereas social listening looks at the overall health of the brand in the social space.

For example, a complaint about deadening connection speeds posted on an ISP's Facebook page would be social monitoring, whereas social listening would exist an amalgamation of all comments on that Facebook page and their tone—positive or negative.

When used every bit a research method, it is an excellent source of customer feedback without the potential researcher biases in interviews, observations and surveys.

Tip:Social listening is especially valuable for getting rapid feedback on your social media strategy, particularly in terms of content marketing efforts. Make sure to review social listening regularly to ensure you are hit the mark.

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Quantitative research is focused onstatistics.

Information technology typically requires robust sample sizes, and the results tin then be generalised. They tin can be in-depth and targeted, or general and high-level—only it can lack the "real-life" insights that qualitative research tin grant.

Related content:Should you use a market enquiry agency?

Much like qualitative research, at that place are many forms of gathering quantitative information. These include:


Surveys are a series of questions that are asked of a big body of respondents. These questions tin be posed in a number of forms, but common ways include multiple choice, aye/no, open-ended or a Likert scale.

Surveys are possibly the nigh popular form of quantitative research. They are easy to administrate, quick to decode and tin can gather a large amount of useful data in a short amount of fourth dimension. The fact that the questions included in the survey tin can range from opinions to demographic data is also incredibly valuable when defining a target audience.

Nonetheless, there are some drawbacks in surveys, in that there is no guarantee you will get enough responses for a valid effect, and the results you practise go may be skewed simply by the method or question formats used. Surveys, particularly those without open-ended questions, demand to exist very advisedly worded in club to make sure respondents can reply in an accurate, unbiased style.

Tip:Avoid any kind of bias when request questions in your surveys. Stay neutral in your wording, make sure you aren't being cryptic, and ensure that you give enough context to ensure the respondents can respond accurately.

Information assay

Data analysis involves taking information that you already have—such as existing customer data—and putting it through analysis to uncover insights.

For case, if you had 500 existing customers and wanted to build a profile of your target audition, you might analyse your data and observe that the vast bulk of your audience are immature women who are repeat purchasers and typically spend $l every visit.

With that data, you at present have the beginnings of a target audience.

Still, your ability to utilise this data relies completely on the existing quality and depth of your information. If y'all collect no data about your customers or their buy history, and then you lot may not exist able to glean many useful insights.

Additionally, well-nigh companies don't gather plenty data to draw conclusions about more qualitative matters such as values, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and so on.

Information analysis is an effective starting point for building a target audience. However, it is certainly not the only kind of research you should perform.

Tip:Takeall of your data into account. At this stage, y'all can't afford to make assumptions well-nigh which customer data is going to form a role of your target audience—analyse everything and detect the trends.

Trend analysis

Tendency assay is like to general data analysis, but focuses specifically on identifying trends in your business/market place. Information technology involves comparing previous information with electric current data to excerpt insights.

This might include:

  • Purchase volumes and habits
  • Client demographics
  • Product/service performance
  • Customer retention and churn
  • Make perceptions

With the right analysis tools and talent, you can go a picture of the general behaviour of your current customers/market and, combined with other data from your market enquiry, forecast where these trends may go in the future.

Again, this depends strongly on the quality of your existing data. If y'all don't collect this information, you lot can't analyse it.

Tip:Trend analysis should brainstorm with understanding and identifying success metrics outset, and what drives them. In that location'southward no signal trending a metric that has no relevance to your business's or brand's performance.

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two. Segmenting your target audience

Once this data has been gathered, you lot are at present able to convert it into actionableinformation. The first step in doing that is to segment your information.

What is segmentation?

Partitioning is the procedure of separating out your audience into dissimilar groups (segments).

People who are similar are grouped together and each segment will likely respond differently to various marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of customer division?

Segmentation allows y'all to get moregranular informationon your audience, giving you insights that you may otherwise miss were you to just view them from a high-level, target audience perspective. This allows marketers to customise their approach to create more constructive marketing strategies.


Let'south say you were a retailer who dealt primarily in clothing.

You decide to survey your customers, using the techniques outlined to a higher place, request them to tell yous what they bought from you lot recently, and to give you a rating out of 10.

The results bear witness that the vast bulk bought jeans recently, and across the lath, you lot get an average score of 8/x—a good score.

However, you determine tosegment your data and separate those who bought jeans from those who bought t-shirts, and y'all analyse just the t-shirt purchases.

These results tell a different story. You detect that people have been securely dissatisfied with their recent buy of a t-shirt, and you are scoring far lower than you lot'd similar in that department.

Y'all determine to find a new supplier for the t-shirts in order to address your disappointed customers' concerns, fixing a satisfaction problem before it starts to impact your reputation.

As a upshot, your score among the t-shirt purchasers increases, and you gain a number of loyal customers among this group for your proactive arroyo to their issues.

Importance vs performance

Segmentation likewise has the benefit of allowing you to uncoverkey action pointsfor your business by identifying areas where the importance of a particular factor is high amid your customers, but your current performance is low.

Let's use the previous example of the clothing retailer once again. Function of your market research included a question about how important your customers think certain clothing traits are, such as:

  • Value for coin
  • Beingness on-tendency
  • Being durable
  • Being unique
  • Having a wide option

Also included is a question regarding how your customers recollect your brand is performing in these factors.

After segmenting by importance and operation, you find that while you are performing well in "uniqueness", this is actually not a high priority for your customers. Rather, they are more concerned with their purchases being on-trend; something that they have also ranked your business poorly for.

You lot now immediately have an action point for your next order from your suppliers: less focus on unique, more focus on trends.

What segments should you utilise?

You can segment in a thousand possible ways, but some of the about common include:

  • Demographic:Age, gender, nationality, occupation, etc.
  • Geographic:Where the person lives, works, etc.
  • Psychographic:Hobbies, interests, attitudes, likes and dislikes, etc.
  • Behavioural:Purchase history, price sensitivity and product usage.
  • Influence:Social visibility e.chiliad. a famous person.
  • Last interaction:The concluding interaction with your business concern.
  • Decision makers:If they are considered a decision maker i.e. someone who will buy your product/service in a company.
  • Distribution: The channel where the purchase was completed due east.g. online, physical shop, through a catalogue, etc.

Which segments you utilize ultimately comes down to your goals for your assay.

Ideally, you'll be checking each of these major groupings (if applicative to your business organization) regularly to identify any missed niches or potential problems, as well as for research into target audiences for new products and/or marketing campaigns.

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3. Forming your buyer personas

The final step to improve understanding your audience is the creation ofbuyer personas.

What is a heir-apparent or audience persona?

A buyer persona is a representation of the kind of customer you want to concenter, built from market place enquiry and data from your real customers, presented as a semi-fictional person.

How does a buyer persona assistance me?

A buyer persona informs strategy at every phase of the buyer's journeying.

DuringAttract, it gives y'all insight into their mindset, what their challenges and goals are and where you lot tin can reach them.

DuringConvert, it tells y'all what to say to them and how to say it, including how you tin can address their challenges and goals.

DuringShut, it tells yous how to serve your customer, what success looks like for them and tells you whether the relationship is healthy.

DuringPlease, it tells you how to wow your customer, what the extra mile is for them and what else you tin can practise to amend the customer feel.

Ultimately, a buyer persona tells you what to say, how to say information technology, and where.

Need help forming your heir-apparent personas?
Download our freePersona Evolution Worksheet

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How is it different from a target audience?

While your target audition might include a wide multifariousness of different people, usually heavily focusing on demographics, your buyer persona is far more focused and specific, and by and large includes likes, needs, desires and interests.

Call up of the buyer persona as an example ofone of the customers inside your target audience.It helps you to personify your segment.

For instance, the target audition of a pet food manufacturer might be people between the ages of 25 and 50 who ain at least i fauna, live in Sydney and earn betwixt $sixty,000 and $fourscore,000 a year.

Ane of the buyer personas might be Dog-Lover Deborah, a woman from Parramatta who buys dog nutrient twice a calendar week and is currently thinking of adopting a second puppy.

Related content: iii common mistakes to avert when creating buyer personas

Why should I make a buyer persona if I already accept a target audience?

Edifice a heir-apparent persona gives you a target to aim for that is more specific than just an audience. It helps a business to position their brand and their products/service with a person in mind in both their marketing and selling efforts.

Knowing the background, wants, needs, challenges and goals of your audience means y'all are building a business that isn't simply providing a product or a service. You're able to create something that speaks to your customers on a far more personal level, driving loyalty and better outcomes for both your company and your customers equally a result.

In short, buyer personas present something—or rather, someone—far more specific and human for you lot to base your strategy effectually.

Related content: How to develop your marketing personas - footstep by step

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Modernistic engineering science and big data has opened new doors to understanding your audience—which, in plow, has made it fifty-fifty more important for businesses to proactively invest in market inquiry activities if they desire to compete in today'due south concern world.

To sympathize your audience, you'll need to:

  1. Research who they are and what their needs are usingmarket research.
  2. Analyse and break the audition down into groups usingaudition partitioning.
  3. Choose a segment(south) to target that all-time aligns with the business organization' production and service offerings.
  4. Ensure yous are effectively targeting the chosen segment(south) past leveragingbuyer personas.

Using this methodology, yous'll exist able to build a company that fosters potent market place share and customer retentiveness; where you lot don't only target anybody hoping for a lucky hit, but strategically strike at those who would benefit nigh from your offerings.

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